Saturday, December 4, 2010

Did you have to go through the mill??

So when i was a mom used to spend hours telling me about her life story...and il just sit there and wonder if she didnt have anything else to do...something more productive maybe???

When i hit my 14's 15's she started telling me about relationships..and how important they are to us..and how difficult it is when you actually end up with the wrong person! But me being me...thought she was from a generation which was a million years old..and that i knew better than what she was telling me....

But v often fail to recognize that these casual talks that our parents occasionally/non-warningly throw at us are attempts to save us from going through the 'mill' that they have been through...but we(some of us at least) think vr the wise men of the planet and that we know more than them...jump in right on the puddle that was warned us about time and time ago!!!! And kicks you right in the shins!!!!! ;)

And then after you've been through the mill and u come like corn look back and think...'Darn..i last time I r'ber i was just wheat did i come out like this?' This question is actually double-edged...some people come out better but some people just go the negative point of it...and realizing this and making things right will involve another 'into-the-mill' session!!! However, the good note is that once you've seen how to put up with hard'l be able to turn and bend upside literally! :P

But i always think...why cant we just simply listen to wise people's saying and stay outta the mill...??? Well..i have to admit it works for some people..(who are smart enough) but others are just curious and wanna intentionally stick their finger into fire and see what happens...sadly enough i am a person like that...but i should say...'the mill' does give u some grinding, refining and cleaning...and when you come outta the other side...ur some real high class flake!!! lol

But i also do get the notion that there are mills in every aspect that v will all have to go through some point in our life...and just receive it happily with no regrets!!! And always remember that BIG HUGE SMILE!!!!!!

Have a happy mill journey!!!!

Till next time!

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