Monday, January 24, 2011

What a wonderful day twas

I was wished to have a wonderful morning by a very special person in the morning today(24th Jan)....I woke up all pumped about the day...planned to catch the earliest bus to the Motor Registry to get dates for my license testing....

I was dressed in my favorite top(which i thought looked hot on me) .....just then my house mate walks in and informed me that today's weather forecast was going to b 37 degrees cel. for that day.

I congratulated the weather on his victory of how the hottest day was gonna be the day i wanted to go out as well. Then i took a look at my favorite was a woolen typed black top...i knew i was gonna be baked close to a cake in that....

I spent close to 20 mins trying to get the right clothes to match the weather...and when i finally found them i set off in a bounce...bobbing away to my was a hot morning and the heat was having it's effect on me already. I looked at my watch every second(literally) for the bus....and i had exactly 3 mins for my bus and lo and behold i realized that i had left all the documents needed for registration at HOME!!!

I sat there staring at the sky on how ridiculous it was....'I' was rather!!!! i had to go back to get those...and the next bus to the registry was only an hour later!! I started out and saw my bus zoom past me.....and by that time i could feel the sun feast on my skin....but mind you i had 3 layers of sun block but still could feel the heat...

I got home....thankful for the air conditioning left on by my house mate...i fetched my document file and sat down for a bit since i had time for the next bus. Meanwhile, i set out to find myself a cold drink...and in a lame attempt opened the food cabinet knocking over an oil bottle...i couldn't believe my luck....but little did i know that was just the beginning!!

I finally found myself some juice and before i could even take a sip from top decided to have a taste of the blue top was stained orange!!! i stared at my orange juice for 5 mins.... unbelieving of the scheme it decided to play on me...i spent the next 10 mins washing my top and ironing it then wiping down the table. Finally after world war 3 i finished my drink and set out to catch my bus.

I successfully got  into the bus that i needed....and amidst of enjoying the luxury of seating and air conditioning at the same time...i missed my stop.....i got out of the bus and hiked a up-sloped hike for 20 mins  with the sun literally eating away at my skin...finally i reached my destination hot, sweaty and red...and with a million eyes assessing me on how dirty i looked!!!

Finally i got through the lovely to the malls...chilled out a bit...and the day didnt seem so bad after all! least i got a ride back from the malls from my cousin!!! and took the clothes from the line before the showers bucketed down!!! So maybe it was a wonderful day!!

Till next time....


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